
Welcome to Uprooted by faith.

If you are new here, let me give you a brief rundown of how we got here. My family and I are not from Florida, we moved here in 2023 from Kentucky because I took on a new role at my job that required relocation. I always had the option to move to Florida because my job has different locations that we could move to, but moving was never in my plan. In fact I didn’t want to move to Florida no matter what happened. I WASN’T GOING.

Life was good in Kentucky. My friends, my family, my church family were all close by. But God said it was time to go. You will have to read my blog to get the full story, but my goodness, what a journey it has been.

I believe whole heartedly that God allows us to go through seasons where we think that we are living life to it’s fullest and we get comfortable but, God says no I didn’t call you to be comfortable. When we get comfortable, our faith can grow stagnant. Years ago I prayed that God would use me where he saw fit and wherever He sent me I would go. So God uprooted us so He could plant us somewhere that we could grow more. We had outgrown the pot we were planted in.

In that uprooting that took place, He gave us a fresh vision and a fresh soil. He has supplied for us our needs. He has set the people in the right places and told us to build our table that more was coming. I still don’t know what our futures hold here as our lives are still getting settled. I said Yes to His plan and I look forward to growing this community here.

So once again, Welcome to our story.